Homelessness in public and private spaces: Mind the policy gap!

Pubblicato il 05.06.2010 in Rete Onds

Feantsa European Meeting







Riportiamo di seguito gli atti del convegno tenutosi a Bruxelles il 4 Giugno scorso, dove l'ONDS è intervenuto assieme a Ferrovie dello Stato presentando le sue strategie di intervento sulle problematiche delle persone senza dimora nelle stazioni. 

 Durante la giornata è stato presentato anche la videointervista a "Antonio, il Che Guevara della stazione di Roma Termini".

Cliccando sui nomi dei relatori è possibile visualizzare le slide delle presentazioni. Ci scusiamo per l'assenza di traduzione dell'articolo in italiano.  La redazione __________________________________________________________________________________________ The European Parliament adopted a Written Declaration in April 2008 on ending street homelessness in Europe (declaration signed by 438 Members of European Parliament). Homelessness is at the top of the EU anti-poverty agenda led by the European Commission and national governments.  In 2009 homelessness was chosen as the thematic focus of the process of coordination between the EU member states in the social inclusion field. This year 2010 has been selected to be the European Year for combating poverty and social exclusion.   
Committee of the Regions www.cor.europa.eu Co-host: FEANTSA - European federation of national organisations working with the homeless Co-host: HABITACT - European exchange forum on local homeless strategies www.habitact.eu   Seminar context
The European Parliament adopted a Written Declaration in April 2008 on ending street homelessness in Europe (declaration signed by 438 Members of European Parliament). Homelessness is at the top of the EU anti-poverty agenda led by the European Commission and national governments.  In 2009 homelessness was chosen as the thematic focus of the process of coordination between the EU member states in the social inclusion field. This year 2010 has been selected to be the European Year for combating poverty and social exclusion.

Seminar theme: Homelessness in public and private spaces
Background note
The phenomenon of homelessness is often associated with rough sleepers who live in public spaces, yet this is often only the tip of the homelessness iceberg. Homelessness can also manifest itself in private spaces (from a “domestic” space to a private space in institutions). This seminar draws attention to homelessness as a continuum of living situations, linked to public and private spaces (see ETHOS typology), which require a comprehensive policy. The speakers will give an insight into their local strategies to tackle the different faces of homelessness.

Seminar programme
Programme, Speakers
The seminar lasted one full day and was divided into 3 plenary sessions.

Session 1: Local strategies to address homelessness in public spaces
-The role of railway stations in tackling homelessness 
(Fabrizio Torella, Alessandro Radicchi, Che Guevara of Roma Termini Station)
-Coercion and rough sleeping – forcing people into shelters?
(Geertien Pols)
-The perspective of police services in tackling rough sleeping in Paris
(Commandant Jean-François Molas)
-Reaching out to the “hidden” rough sleepers in Budapest
(Ferenc Matlári)
Session 2: Local strategies to address homelessness in private spaces
-The relationship between domestic violence and homelessness
(Michaela Gosch)
-Cooperation agreements between prisons and local authorities to reduce homelssness in Norway
(Kristin TandbergGro Månsson)
-Homelessness and housing needs assessments
(Andrew Waugh)

Session 3: European dimension of local homeless strategies
-European cities and regions preparing official opinion on combating homelessness
(Tore Hult)
-HABITACT – European exchange forum on local homeless strategies
(Nienke Boesveldt, Emmanuel Cornelius)
-EU law and its implications for migrant workers who become vulnerable to homelessness
(Herwig Verschueren)


Click here to see the event photos!

Autore: Redazione
Fonte: Feantsa