Feantsa Newsletter - Dicembre 2011

Pubblicato il 01.12.2011 in News Sociale


Housing Rights Watch Conference: 20 & 21 April 2012 – Galway, Ireland [30/11/2011]

- FEANTSA’s Housing Rights Watch co-organizing a conference on Contemporary Housing Issues in a Changing Europe in Galway, Ireland on 20 – 21 April 2012. 
The call for papers has been extended until into the New Year. 
The conference, in cooperation with the European Network of Housing Researchers, will cover a wide range of themes:
-homelessness and housing rights;
-the impact of the Treaty of Lisbon on housing, land and planning, homelessness, disability and other issues;
-recent developments in EU mortgage law;
-public interest law and housing;
-European land law developments;
-effects of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on housing/independent living/supported housing/consumer protection;
-legal issues relating to housing and older people; consumer law and housing;
-developments in rented housing law in Europe and;
-defining the relationship between law and policy in housing, land and planning in the meta-regulatory era.
This conference will be an excellent opportunity to share experience and ideas with professionals and researchers from across Europe.  We encourage you to circulate this information to your own networks and hope that you will join us in Galway in the spring. Please visit the conference webpage (at the National University of Ireland, Galway): or contact Samara Jones for more information

- Housing-led Policy Approaches: Social Innovation to End Homelessness in Europe [30/11/2011]  

Social innovation is an increasingly central area of European policy. This paper makes proposals about how social innovation can be used to enhance progress in the fight against homelessness in the EU. The paper first defines the concept of social innovation before summarising the current EU policy context regarding both social innovation and homelessness. Housing-led approaches are then presented as an evidence-based social innovation with great potential to enhance progress in the fight against homelessness in Europe. Finally, FEANTSA puts forward concrete proposals on how the EU can promote housing-led approaches to homelessness in the framework of its work on social innovation.

- Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year [30/11/2011]  

A year ends, another begins. The FEANTSA team would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. There will be no Flash for the month of December; we are focusing on the January one!

- Press Release: Criminalisation of Homelessness is Not the Answer: Integrated Homelessness Strategies Are [30/11/2011]  

FEANTSA has previously expressed concerns over the continued, concerted attack on homeless people in Hungary and the punitive measures homeless people face there, which lead to the criminalization of homelessness. We have condemned and called for the withdrawal of a proposed law that would make sleeping on the street an offence in Hungary and subject people sleeping rough to fines and detention and, in a new press release, propose an integrated homelessness strategy as a positive alternative.

Reminder: Call For Papers: Special Edition of the European Journal of Homelessness [30/11/2011]  

European Journal of Homelessness Vol 6, No. 1. 2012: Homelessness, Migration and Demographic Change in Europe.  In recent years, there has been growing evidence of diverse types of housing exclusion and homelessness among migrant populations across Europe. This special edition of the European Journal of Homelessness seeks to foster the dissemination of research on migrant homelessness in Europe, in a context of broader demographic changes. Therefore, we welcome in particular interdisciplinary and comparative papers that explore the scale, trends and nature of migrant homelessness across different EU countries and/or regions, with a specific emphasis on Southern Europe. We also encourage contributions on the often hidden dimensions of migrant homelessness across the European Union; in particular papers that explore undocumented migrants, migrant women and children fleeing domestic violence, migrants utilising low-threshold homelessness services and papers addressing the risk of homelessness among certain ethnic and cultural minorities.
To be considered for inclusion in this special edition of the Journal, papers must be submitted to Dr. Eoin O’Sullivan before the 16th December

NEWS from the European Union

- Committee of the Regions: The Role of Local and Regional Authorities in Achieving the Objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy  [30/11/2011]  

At its Plenary Session of 10-12 October, the Committee of the Regions, following the request of the Polish Presidency, adopted an opinion on “The role of local and regional authorities in achieving the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy.”

- EP Calls for a Legal Framework for Public Services [30/11/2011]  

The European Parliament has urged the EU to provide a legal framework for public services. The Simon MEP report on state aid rules applicable to public services was adopted with a wide majority (488 votes cast for, 134 against and 17 abstentions).The rapporteur, Mr Peter Simon, said: “President Barroso had promised at the beginning of his term of office to present an initiative to strengthen the activities of services of general interest by the end of this year. We expect him to keep his promise. The absence of a legal framework has had a very negative impact, contributing to legal uncertainties and red tape” (source: S&D news, November 15).

- European Food Aid Programme Temporarily Safeguarded [30/11/2011]  

At the Agriculture Council of November 14, the Polish Presidency indicated that a qualified majority within the Council could be confirmed, at a later stage, in favour of the temporary continuation of the programme for the distribution of food to the most deprived persons. This should guarantee the effective functioning of the programme in 2012 and 2013 under specific conditions. The Presidency will include this item on the agenda of one of the next Council sessions with a view to reaching an agreement on the basis of a Presidency compromise. The press release

- European Parliament Resolution of November 15th 2011 on the European Platform Against Poverty and Social Exclusion [30/11/2011]  

On November 15th in Strasbourg the EP adopted a report that says it believes that the situation of the homeless calls for particular attention and the introduction of additional measures on the part of both the Member States and the Commission, with a view to ensuring their full integration by 2015, which will necessitate the collection and annual publication of comparable data and reliable statistics at EU level, together with an account of the progress achieved and the objectives set in the respective national and EU strategies for fighting poverty and social exclusion. Moreover, it calls on the Commission to develop, as a matter of urgency, an EU homelessness strategy in accordance with the 2010 Joint Report f the Commission and the Council on Social Protection and Social Inclusion, the final recommendations of the 2010 European Consensus Conference on Homelessness and Parliament's resolution on an EU homelessness strategy.

News from the Council of Europe

- European Committee of Social Rights: Portugal’s Housing Policy for Roma Violates Social Charter [30/11/2011]  

The European Committee of Social Rights delivered a decision, finding Portugal in violation of the Revised European Social Charter. This followed a collective complaint brought by the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) concerning the housing situation of Roma in Portugal. The entire press release

- Roma Evictions: “Aggravated” Violation of the European Social Charter by France [30/11/2011]  

The Council of Europe's European Committee of Social Rights has concluded unanimously that the forced evictions of Roma people of Romanian and Bulgarian origin in the summer 2010 constituted an aggravated violation of the European Social Charter, said the Council of Europe.

News from our Members

- BAG Wohnungslosenhilfe Asks for More Housing for the Homeless During the Winter [30/11/2011]  

The Federal Association of Homeless calls municipalities to provide more emergency shelter during the cold season for the homeless. According to estimates by the Federal Community nationwide more than 248,000 people are homeless. Many homeless people avoid mass accomadion, said BAG W Managing Director Thomas Specht. Safe and decent places to stay and opened day care centers are needed. The offer of help in many communities is still insufficient, criticized Mr Specht.

- France: FNARS Press Release: Emergency shelter: Faced with a chronic situation, still transitional measures [30/11/2011]  

The Secretary of State for Housing Benoist Apparu announced on the 23rd November the mobilisation of 15,000 places of accommodation for the homeless this winter, "if the periods of extremely cold weather justify the measures". This announcement reflects the traditional seasonal management of social emergency, while the government had claimed to want to change the system. While calls to emergency number 115 increase, the system of emergency shelter works throughout the year and must provide unconditional welcome to all persons who are homeless or in distress at any time. The entire press release

- Germany: Number of Homeless People in Germany is Rising [30/11/2011]  

BAG W, the umbrella organization for the homeless in Germany, predicts a significant increase in homelessness in Germany.  BAG W predicted an even further sharp rise in homelessness by 10-15% by 2015.  In 2010, approximately 248 000 people were homeless in Germany; in 2008 there were 227 000. The entire press release

- Ireland: Focus Ireland: One in Seven Using Homeless Services is a Child [30/11/2011]  

One in seven of the 5,000 people in homelessness services this Christmas will be a child, according to Focus Ireland. The homelessness charity said the coming weeks and months would be “very challenging” as numbers seeking its help had increased by almost 20 per cent, while it has had a 10 per cent cut in funds. The entire press release

- UK: Homeless Link Responds to DCLG on Anti-Social Behaviour Evictions [30/11/2011]   Homeless Link has called on the Department of Communities and Local Government to rethink its proposals which would make it easier to evict tenants for anti-social behaviour. The entire press release 

- UK: Homeless Link: Homeless Link Calls for Amendments to the Health & Social Care Bill  [30/11/2011]  

The Health and Social Care Bill needs to be amended to meet the needs of homeless people, says Homeless Link.  Eight in ten homeless people have one or more physical health need. For over half, this represents a chronic health problem (Homeless Link Health Needs Audit, 2010). As the Health and Social Care Bill goes through the House of Lords, Homeless Link are working with the National Housing Federation and St Mungo’s to ensure the voices of homeless people are heard. The entire press release

- UK: St Mungo’s: Battered, Broken, Bereft - New Rough Sleeping Report [30/11/2011]  

Three out of five outreach workers across the country say they are seeing an increasing number of rough sleepers, according to new research published today by homelessness charity St Mungo's. Moreover, almost three quarters (71%) of those surveyed did not believe that there was enough emergency accommodation for rough sleepers in their area  The figures come from a new report: ‘Battered, broken, bereft - why people still end up rough sleeping' (October 2011).

- UK: The Cyrenians: Charity's homeless Prevention Service Branded a Success [30/11/2011]  

A pioneering homelessness prevention service launched by an Edinburgh charity has proved to be 99% successful. Edinburgh Cyrenians have released a report that evaluates the Homeless Prevention Service and states that acting early to stop people losing their homes saves the person from a life of misery while also making significant long term savings for the local authority. The service was launched in 2009 and was commissioned by the City of Edinburgh Council. It helps 400 people who have not presented to the council as homeless in the last four years. The entire press release

Homelessness in the Headlines

- Austria: Vienna Halves Night Shelter Fee [30/11/2011]  

Birgit Hebein of the Green Party in Vienna said that those seeking a place to stay for the night would be ordered to pay two Euros. The Social Democrats (SPÖ) infuriated non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in September 2010 by announcing that homeless people would have to pay four Euros for one night at city-funded lodgings from November of the same year. The entire press release

- France: Building "Housing First" in a French Way [30/11/2011]  

At the "Housing First” meeting discussed in November, proposals to provide shelter for the disadvantaged have been advanced. The text in discussion, developed in consultation with community networks working to provide shelter to people in difficulty and the state, insists, among other things, on "housing as a prerequisite, the placement of the user at the centre of operations, the need to focus on prevention of risk of loss of housing, making households solvent and work in conjunction with the councils, Caf and donors," says Lucie Assmann, project manager at the Agence nouvelle des solidarités actives (New agency for active solidarity). The entire press release

- Ireland: Homeless Services to Be Cut by 10% [30/11/2011]  

Health authorities are cutting funding for homeless services in parts of the Irish capital by up to 10 per cent over the coming winter months, despite growing pressure on services. Service providers say the cuts will impact heavily on their ability to provide shelter and support to homeless people at a time when they are under strain. The Health Services Executive (HSE) – one of the main funders of homeless services – told providers it is cutting between 5 per cent and 10 per cent of grants which were due to be paid between October and December of this year. The entire press release

- Italy: Six Thousand Homeless People in Rome, Seventeen Thousand in Italy [30/11/2011]  

In Rome there are about 6 thousand 'homeless' people: 4 thousand sleeping on the street each night, thousands in shelters, thousands more still occupy makeshift shelters (crumbling buildings, barracks, etc..), according to data released in September on the occasion of the presentation of initiatives in support of 'homeless', promoted by the Hospital San Camillo-Forlanini Commercity and, in collaboration with the Network of Solidarity' and the Community 'of Sant'Egidio. According the same source, they are 5 thousand homeless people in Milan, and a little less than 2 thousand in Turin, Bologna, Naples and Florence. According to these statistics, there are a total of 17 thousand homeless people in Italy as a whole. The entire press release

- Portugal: University Research Asks for "Specific Answers" for Homeless Seniors [30/11/2011]

The situation of homeless seniors calls for specific answers supported by institutions and the training of specialized professionals, research by the University of Coimbra.  The research, conducted in the district of Coimbra, involved more than 300 turns and street interviews with 95 current and former homeless, as well as professionals in the areas of health and social support and defends a "different approach" of the problem, told to Lusa news agency the researcher responsible for the work. The entire press release

- Portugal: Number of Homeless is Significant "and Tends to Increase" [30/11/2011]  

The number of people who look for AMI support is increasing across Portugal. In Almada Social Center, 1322 people have been supported until the end of September (5% more than the whole year of 2010).  The number of homeless people supported in this Center (140) is already almost the same number as were supported in the whole of last year. The entire press release

- Spain: Organisations Supporting Homeless Ask for a Strategy to Eradicate the 'Homelessness' [30/11/2011]  

The Federation of Support for Homeless People (fePsh) - composed of Caritas Spain, Arrels, FACIAM, Prohabitatge Provivienda, Rais, Network Hosts and Sant Joan de Deu - proposed a strategy for the prevention and elimination of 'homelessness' to political parties.  The document contains proposals to include in the electoral programs and among its commitments for the next legislature. In particular, there are measures to address the integration of people released from prisons and health care institutions and, above all, to prevent the eviction. The entire press release

- Two Short Documentaries about Homelessness in Finnish Site Housingfirst.fi are Available with English Subtitles [30/11/2011]  

During spring 2011, five short films about homelessness and Housing First were produced as part of a cooperation between the project "Name on the door" and the students of Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. Two of these films have English subtitles, and are available for viewing on the internet pages of Housingfirst.fi. In the short films several former homeless men and women talk about their life, homelessness and about the meaning of home in rehabilitation.

- UK: 35,000 Face Loss of Home by Christmas, says Shelter [30/11/2011]   Homelessness charity Shelter warns that 630 people a day are receiving letters warning they could lose their home due to repossession, rent increases and sub-standard houses. The entire press release  

- UK: A Literacy Programme Aimed at Helping Westminster’s Homeless People to Rebuild [30/11/2011]  

A literacy programme aimed at helping Westminster’s homeless people to rebuild their lives has been recognised at a prestigious awards ceremony. The council’s Yes We Can Read programme was given a £10,000 prize at the Andy Ludlow Homelessness Awards last week. The project, which has been rolled out through outreach teams, day centres and hostels, offers rough sleepers the chance to work one-on-one with a literacy coach. Through the programme, anyone who can read fluently can teach a non-reader to read in less than six months. Since the scheme launched in August more than 30 rough sleepers have taken part. Research has shown that 40 per cent of rough sleepers have literacy problems which make it difficult to access benefits and different services.

- UK: Homelessness: Review of the Legislation in Wales [30/11/2011]  

Researchers at the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD) have secured a competitive tender from the Welsh Government to review homelessness legislation in Wales. This will be the most significant piece of homelessness research to be conducted in Wales and will directly inform the forthcoming Housing Bill to help improve homelessness law in Wales. The entire press release

- UK: Westminster Council U-turn Saves Soup Runs for Homeless People [30/11/2011]  

Campaigners have hailed a victory for common sense after the dropping of 'draconian' proposals to outlaw street handouts. Controversial plans to outlaw soup runs for homeless people on the streets around Westminster Cathedral in London have been dropped. The proposals would have made it a crime to give free food to homeless people in parts of the borough. The entire press release


- France: The Urgent Social Action. Ethnography of the SamuSocial de Paris [30/11/2011]  

Daniel Edward and Gardella Cefaï present the results of a survey which aims to describe and understand, using a moral and political ethnography, how public policy assistance to homeless people is daily on the ground. It is based on the constitution of the problem of "marginalized" since the early 1990s, in which Samusocial of Paris was the central player. To order the book

- Ireland: Landlords Can Help the Homeless, Says Threshold [30/11/2011]  

The private rental sector has a key role in fighting homelessness, the non-profit housing organisation Threshold said at the launch of its annual report. It costs the state €29,000 a year to keep someone in emergency homeless accommodation and just €11,000 to keep them in a private rented home. But substandard rented accommodation is a big issue and Threshold says that many landlords won’t carry out repairs because of the cost, when they themselves are struggling with debts. Landlords should use government incentives – for attic insulation, building upgrades and the like – to upgrade their accommodation, said Threshold. Heating is one of the big problems which causes distress to clients – and grants are available to landlords. The press release

- Italy: Report: Service for Homeless People [30/11/2011]  

The results of the first National Research on Services for Homeless people were presented on November 3rd in Rome during a joint initiative of Fio.PSD, Istat (Italian Institute for Statistics), the Ministry of Labour and Caritas Italia. The entire press release

- New Report: It's Illegal to Be Homeless in America [30/11/2011]  

“Criminalising Crisis”, a report by the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty, reveals that local laws criminalizing homelessness are increasing in cities across the USA.

- UK: Voices of Experience - How People who Drink on the Streets Can Make Positive Changes in their Lives [30/11/2011]   This research focused on persistent street drinkers – people who drink very heavily in public places ‘for many hours on many days’ and are poorly motivated to stop drinking.


 Clicca qui se vuoi scaricare FEANTSA Flash November 2011

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