Pubblicato il 13.10.2014 in Eventi

ONDS assieme al settore Politiche sociali di FS partecipa ad un convegno internazionale sulla prevenzione della Criminialtà, con l'obiettivo di sottolineare ancora una volta come solidarietà e sicurezza siano due temi che, se trattati assieme, possono portare benefici in entrambi i campi.



ICPC in association with the city of Palermo and Consorzio Nova Onlus, is organizing its 11th Colloquium on the theme of mobility and the role of crime prevention. The proposed theme for the 2014 Colloquium provides a valuable opportunity to focus on a growing phenomenon – the increasing mobility of society and the development of technologies we use. 

The Colloquium will also explore the outcomes of this phenomenon; namely the emergence of new types of and trends in crime, as well as changes in ongoing issues (e.g. domestic violence). This in turn demands a more comprehensive approach involving a highly diverse range of national and transnational partners. While these changes have drawn the attention of security and criminal justice sectors, intelligence services and law enforcement, there is a strong case for increasing initiatives and strategic responses that emphasize prevention as a means of addressing root causes. Considering the diverse consequences of an increasingly mobile world, the Colloquium - through a series of plenary and workshop sessions - explores three ‘spaces of mobility’: within the home; across borders; and beyond borders. Each session aims to address the current situation in a number of countries, showcase promising practices, and highlight challenges and opportunities regarding host societies, migrants and government alike.

Autore: onds
